Peace Officers UK have been set up to provide a peaceful presence in this chaotic world. It is a strategic witness response and community support network for those who are dealing with unlawful situations.

We are looking for people to become Common Law Sheriffs who will have a variety of roles from photography/videography, witness activities, peaceful assembly and in extreme cases citizens arrest.

Peace Officer Davey explains the background and the role of Peace Officers in the video here:

“What we aim to achieve with Peace Officers UK, is to create a group of Peace Officers who, at a moments notice, will turn up to a property (when requested by the occupants), get the caller to sign an authority form for us to act as an agent on their behalf, stand down any attending police using the Police Attestation and Section 26 of the Criminal Justice and Courts Act [2015], and then deal with the bailiffs/enforcement agents, trespassing all of those present, as we will be legally and lawfully entitled to do so. We will expose their lack of authority by quoting laws to them and exposing their fake “warrants”, and taking action against them where the law permits.

As a fledgling organisation, we must act legally and peacefully, else we will be branded as a bunch of ‘anarchist nut-jobs’, and the everyday men and women will resist and reject us. It’s important that we act in a manner that is palatable to the masses. It’s the ONLY way we (as an organisation) stand any chance of success. At some point, the media are going to become VERY aware of our presence and existence, so we must ensure that we act as another emergency service, one who acts as a free service and representative for the people.

Currently, there is a HUGE void that needs to be filled by us. It is usually occupied by police, who are not entitled to do so BY LAW! We need to use the law to kick them out of that space, and fill it with Peace Officers who will act as a line of defence against the fraudsters. THAT is where we are looking to replace the police at this stage.

Once the everyday men and women start to appreciate our existence, we will be feared by bailiffs and enforcement agents. When they see us arrive, they will be looking to make a very quick exit, knowing that we are about to expose their lies and be unaffected by their intimidation tactics that they use on a layperson. Eventually, instead of the householder calling Police to assist them (which we know they won’t), they’ll call us! We will be a thorn in the side of these crooks, cutting off their lifeblood (money and power).

Once we start helping the everyday man and woman and exposing to them that their fear in dealing with these people is based on lies and intimidation psychology, we open up their world to the level of corruption within our society. They will then start to view the current system with opened eyes, and will be much more likely to stand up against so-called “authorities”. People will see endless amounts of videos of us dealing with situations, and will learn much about their rights whilst doing so.

Our job is to light the touch paper that blows up the corruption and leads to revolution. The touch paper has now been lit… We now need to keep it burning strongly so that it will reach the detonator in time, so that we will leave behind a legacy of an organisation that is based on the protection of the people, and is feared by the corporations that rely on their lack of knowledge or confidence. 

Revolution will happen once the people realise the level to which they’ve been duped and robbed. If we do nothing to help those people realise their rights and powers, then it’s unlikely to happen for MANY generations, until people are made uncomfortable enough to revolt. Our actions will change that, as the people will learn how to become Peace Officers in their own neighbourhoods, and deal with enforcers themselves, or on behalf of their neighbours and community.

We are already getting inquiries from many other countries who have seen our videos on our vision for the future, and our oath swearing to our fellow man rather than the establishment. People in Canada, USA, New Zealand, Australia, Spain, Belgium, and Germany have expressed how they want to extend the Peace Officers UK brand to their own countries, where we will become an international brand of justice.” – Peace Officer Davey

To help us run this organisation we accept donations via Wise…Â