Peace Officers UK was founded in March 2021 as a protest organisation, attending pro-freedom and anti-lockdown protests in London and South-East England. Our objective was to monitor the actions of police officers, who would often turn peaceful protesting into an abuse of people’s rights, and attempt to hold them to account, whilst also encouraging protesters not to rise to any bait.

After giving dozens of lectures far and wide around the country during 2023, teaching people their rights and how to deal with unwanted visitors, the decision was taken to expand Peace Officers UK, with sign-up events around the UK to encourage others to take an oath as a Peace Officer to protect the people of the UK from tyrants and their foot-soldiers.

Our duty is to protect householders from the illegal activities of bailiffs and enforcement agents, who often use fraudulent paperwork to steal from the poor and give to the rich. It is the duty of a Peace Officer to intervene and hold them to account as an agent acting on behalf of the householder.

Becoming a Community Interest Company (CIC) in 2024 helps to establish us as a legitimate registered non-profit organisation, which gives us legitimacy within the corrupt Maritime Admiralty system (“The Matrix”) to operate as agents for the aggrieved, without us being branded as an unofficial fringe group of protesters operating outside the boundaries of the current corrupt legal system. It is our belief that, to fight the matrix, we must first enter it and fight it from within, just as Neo (Keanu Reeves) did in the movie franchise. We believe that all the remedies to the corruption displayed by banks and large corporations, can be found and used within their own rotten and exploitable system. These are the same remedies that the extremely wealthy use to their advantage, exploiting the system and the population whilst doing so. They often use shortcuts and cost-cutting techniques to unlawfully and illegally turn the people into debt slaves, and to enforce their wrongdoings. We intend to help release those people from their enslavement and mental slumber, by using knowledge of the law to our own advantage, and starving those corrupt organisations of their lifeblood… money and power!

Our name (Peace Officers UK) often causes controversy within the awake community, due to our insistence on standing under Maritime Admiralty law when operating as Peace Officers, rather than under Natural Law (often confused by many as “Common Law”). Our reason for doing so has nothing to do with promoting “The Matrix”. On the contrary, we wish to collapse that jurisdiction by using “their” laws against them to achieve our goals, and to bring peace to people’s everyday lives, who should not have to undergo the stress of dealing with trespassing third party interlopers acting illegally and dishonourably.

Our logo is a yellow shield with a blackened union flag, representing the darkness of the UK corruption, with the wings of a dove to represent the peace that we bring to that jurisdiction. Our aim is to bring peace and knowledge into people’s lives, for them to be freed from their mental chains and debt slavery, enabling them to live prosperous and free lives. Knowledge is power, and unity is strength. These are the principles that we are proud to promote. We are aware that it has become impossible to climb the metaphorical pyramid that houses the global puppet-masters within the all-seeing eye of Horus upon the capstone. There are far too many levels to climb with far too many gatekeepers and tyrannical foot soldiers protecting the elites and their nefarious agendas. Instead, we understand that the people who reside within the bottom level, form the foundations that hold together the entire pyramid, and so we must do all we can to empower the 99% if we are to win this psychological evil war against those who wish to enslave us, exploit us, and cause us harm, distress, and dis-ease.

In time, the capstone will fall to us as we cause instability within their corrupt system, so that it may be trampled and smashed into a million irreparable pieces.

We are mighty.

We are powerful.

We are Peace Officers UK
