Front Door Pack Available Now!

This yellow fold-up clipboard contains the following pages:

(1) Private Property No Trespassing Notice (Laminated) – To be displayed on your door/in your window. Includes the Notice of Liability

(2) Brief questionnaire prior to discussion of a Legal Matter x 2 – A questionnaire for any unwanted visitor to complete before you interact with them.

(3) Declaration of Consent x 2 – To officially allow someone to act on behalf of someone else.

(4) Preparation for Corporate Legal Fraud Visits (Laminated) – A step-by-step guide of how to deal with unwanted guests.

(5) Police accompanying a bailiff (Laminated) – Guidance of the Police duties, how they should be helping the victim.

(6) Criminal Justice and Courts Act (2015) – Section 26 and Police Attestation (Oath) (Laminated) – To tell the Police what their lawful role is.

(7) Caselaw Bailiffs and Police (Laminated) – Examples of useful caselaw

*** Please Note *** Disclaimer We cannot guarantee success with every situation as all situations are different. You use this pack at your own risk.

This information is subject to change and and review. Updated information will be available for a small donation in the Buy me a Coffee Shop

To donate towards a Front Door Pack please go onto the Buy me a Coffee Shop

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