Admin Assistance Required
At the beginning of February Shebear made an announcement that she needs to hand over most of the administrative tasks she has been doing for Peace Officers UK CIC. She will be providing consultancy and hosting the website but plans to travel in March so will not be able to do all the other tasks.
Shebear joined in May 2024, and suggested that Rob Hood organise the first ever Peace Officers Sign-up event at Sherwood Forest, Nottingham. Since then she has worked tirelessly to build the foundations of the Peace Officers organisation. She initially set up the Peace Officer’s buymeacoffee account just to have an internet presence to start collecting donations and exchange items for donations.
She then set up the website with the ability to provide useful information, run a shop, deal with Peace Officer membership and send out weekly newsletters. Maintaining the website and doing all the tasks involved in the back-office is a lot of work for one person so these tasks have been broken down and listed below. Peace Officers UK CIC are looking for members to step forward to take on these tasks or even job share where possible. Full training will be provided along with expenses for item like stationery, products, resources etc to enable the tasks to be done.
Tasks to handover
Order Processing
There are 5 different types of orders. The fifth will be covered in the New Member Process. For this task access to the following is required:
- POUK orders email address
- Woo commerce shop on the website
- Bank account but not totally necessary
Ideally, it would be good for the same person to do all these tasks but at busy time it may be too much for one person. The tasks are as follows:
- Online Direct Post
These are for items like the book, body cam and non-stock uniform items. We purchase them from the relevant supplier and get the shipped directly to the customer - Stationery orders (which are currently being processed by Moonshadow)
These are for printed stationery like:- promissory notes
- front door pack
- Logo transfers and stickers
- Printful items
These are items that are printed on demand like: hats, mugs and T-shirts. Little processing is needed for these items. A regular check on the Printful back office is required to make sure all orders have been honoured - Uniform Stock items
These are orders for uniform items that we have in stock. That included:- Polyester trousers
- Cotton trousers
- Blue and white jackets
- Blue and white polo tops
- Boots
- Belts Khaki and Black
- Sew on badges
- Lanyard and ID card holders
Regular stock checks need to be done to make sure the stock levels on Woo Commerce tally with the stock item we are holding. An area to store the stock items is required. We are trying to phase the stock out and just order on demand, however, items like sew on badges, lanyards and card holders will need to be ordered in bulk and physically sent out the the customers.
- ID card Postage
This is covered in the New Member Process
Various types of packaging is required and the Order Processor will need to go to the Post Office and preferably have access to a Peace Officer account debit card. Alternatively, expenses can be paid for postage.
For this task you will need access to the bank account. There are various permissions that users can be set up with on the bank account. The tasks for this role are:
- Scan paper receipts
- Make sure other members who buy items from the bank account submit a scan/photo/file of all of their receipts
- Store paper receipts (we can save them on the Proton Drive linked to the original Proton email account
- Make sure a description has been added to each transaction
- Download the monthly statements
- Download the monthly orders*
*We will be liaising with the accountant to see what information they need and in what format they need it for them to be able to create and submit our year end accounts.
New Member Processing
This process does not include the vetting of new members. Access is required to the following:
- Main PO Admin email account
- Membership area of the website
- Woo commerce (orders) area of the website
- Canva and the ID Card template
- Card printer
- Packaging
The process is outlined as follows:
- Once a New Member email arrives
- Check all information has been provided, if not chase it up by email
- Check for payment of ID Card Postage and/or Lanyard and holder order
- Download the new member’s photo to an ID Card folder
- Create a proof of the ID Card using the Canva Template and email it for the new members to approve. Save it in ID Card/Approval folder
- Once approved or changes have been approved then print the ID Card with the Hiti printer. Move the ID Card file to the ID Card/To Send folder
- Update the Member record by adding their ID Card Reference No. Notes can also be put in the notes are to show the status of the ID Card order.
- Package the ID Card and lanyard/holder and post.
- Move the ID Card file to Posted
- When the new member confirms receipt of their ID Card then move the ID Card file to the ID Card/Received folder.
- Claim expenses for postage/do bookkeeping activities.
This task has been taken subject to training and handover
Posting Events and Articles on the website
For this the user will need Editor access to the website. We can either set up a dedicated email address for Events or they can be posted to the Editor’s Telegram account or both.
The Editor will need to know how to create a post in WordPress and publish it, know about the different categories and be able to set the event dates. This role with need a bit of initiative working out what information will make a good article and what category the article needs to go in.
All posts (events and articles) are included in the weekly news letter which come s out on Friday lunch time (UK)
This position has been filled
Organising events
As well as actually organising the event or liaising with the organisers, this task will also include the following:
- Creating flyers
- Passing the flyer image/file to the Web Editor so they can post it on the website
- Printing leaflets
- Printing the Sign up email list
- Making sure everything is prepared for the event.
Anyone and everyone can do this task. Just find an event and/or venue for Davey and/or others to do a talk at. Leaflets and admin stationery are available to print out from the website at
Social Media Marketing
Post/repost relevant information on all social media channels possible. This is a task many people can do. We specifically need people to create an account and post to X and Instagram.
Marketing Materials & New Promotional Products
We need people with good ideas for new promotional products. Moodshadow is able to submit them to Printful where the items can be bought on demand. The full professional version of Canva is also available for this.
Zoom Master/Mistress
Host and run the Peace Officers regular Group and Admin Zoom. A Peace Officers Zoom account will be set up and paid for by Peace Officers UK. These take place every Wednesday evening at 7pm and generally last 1 to 1.5 hours.
If you are interested and want to find out more about a specific task the please email or message her directly on telegram @sshebear.
Thank you