Our reason for doing so has nothing to do with promoting “The Matrix”. On the contrary, we wish to collapse that jurisdiction by using “their” laws against them to achieve our goals, and to bring peace to people’s everyday lives, who should not have to undergo the stress of dealing with trespassing third party interlopers acting illegally and dishonourably

Our logo is a yellow shield with a blackened union flag, representing the darkness of the UK corruption, with the wings of a dove to represent the peace that we bring to that jurisdiction. Our aim is to bring peace and knowledge into people’s lives, for them to be freed from their mental chains and debt slavery, enabling them to live prosperous and free lives. Knowledge is power, and unity is strength. These are the principles that we are proud to promote.

Please look at the Telegram Groups page to find the nearest group to you.

Yes, anyone can join providing they what to do good for mankind. People with all different capabilities are welcome from just standing in a line, video/photographer skills through to people who can recite the law to those breaking it. We also need people who can do administrative jobs from home, social media sharers, item order processing and a book keeper/accountant.

You can create a Telegram group for your area. If you need us to create one then please email us. We will expect you to become an Admin for the group. Once set up you can ask like minded people to join. You could arrange regular meetup or just communicate via Telegram. There are resources available on this website and we are here to help if required.

The oath is a promise to yourself. You do not need to take an oath if you don’t want to as long as you are making the commitment for the good of mankind. If you feel that you need to modify the Oath that we are providing, then you are welcome to. It is up to the individual.

No you don’t have to wear a uniform if you don’t want to. Some like the idea of having a separate Peace Officer identity. The uniform is just a suggestion of khaki trousers and a white top or navy blue trousers or a combination. Again it is up to the individual.

As an organisation, we cannot recommend a best way to stop paying for services. It is up to the individual to do their due diligence, do some research and work out which way best suits their situation.

People have done it different ways so we suggest you join the Peace Officers UK Telegram group at https://t.me/peaceofficers and ask how others have stopped paying their water bill.

We recommend that before you stop paying any bills, you are prepared to cope with the consequences of a worse case scenario.