Front Door Pack v.2




This yellow fold-up clipboard contains the following pages:

(1) Private Property No Trespassing Notice (Laminated) – To be displayed on your door/in your window. Includes the Notice of Liability

(2) Brief questionnaire prior to discussion of a Legal Matterx 2 – A questionnaire for any unwanted visitor to complete before you interact with them.

(3) Declaration of Consent x 2 – To officially allow someone to act on behalf of someone else.

(4) Preparation for Corporate Legal Fraud Visits (Laminated) – A step-by-step guide of how to deal with unwanted guests.

(5) Police accompanying a bailiff (Laminated) – Guidance of the Police duties, how they should be helping the victim.

(6) Criminal Justice and Courts Act (2015) – Section 26 and Police Attestation (Oath) (Laminated) – To tell the Police what their lawful role is.

(7) Caselaw Bailiffs and Police (Laminated) – Examples of useful caselaw

All of these documents can be downloaded free of charge from the Resources area of the website at

*** Please Note *** Disclaimer We cannot guarantee success with every situation as all situations are different. You use this pack at your own risk.